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Zirconium Oxychlorides

Although zirconium chloride dissolves in water, hydrolysis takes place, the solution becomes acid, and the oxychloride, ZrOCl2, is formed in solution; whilst a solution of zirconium hydroxide in hydrochloric acid deposits on evaporation tetragonal crystals of ZrOCl2.8H2O. When this compound is heated to 100° C. in a stream of hydrogen chloride ZrOCl2.3H2O is formed, and when it is recrystallised from concentrated hydrochloric acid ZrOCl2.6H2O separates. According to Chauvenet ZrOCl2 forms hydrates with 2, 3.5, 6, and 8 H2O. The oxychloride Zr2OCl6 is formed when the tetrachloride is heated in a current of oxygen, and Zr2O3Cl2 when an alcoholic solution of ZrOCl2 is precipitated with ether. Chauvenet, however, maintains that the only oxychloride besides ZrOCl2 is Zr2O3Cl2, which exists in the anhydrous and mono- and tri-hydrated forms. When a solution of zirconium oxychloride is dialysed colloidal zirconium hydroxide results.

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