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Zirconium Applications


Hafnium-free zirconium has a low absorption cross section for thermal neutrons, which makes it ideal for nuclear energy uses, and is consumed by commercial nuclear power generation. Zirconium alloys with Mg, Ti, Nickel, Mendelevium, Niobium etc are used as construction materials for rockets and other flying machines. Zirconium-Niobium alloys are used in manufacture of superconductivity devices winding. Zirconum firebrick is used in metallurgy. Lead titanate-zirconate is one of the most popular piezoceramics materials. Zirconium ceramic materials (cermets) are based both on metallic Zirconium and ceramic ZrO2. Zirconium used as a "getter" in vacuum tubes, in lamp filaments and various specialty alloys, by the chemical industry in corrosive environments. Zirconium doping removes nitrogen from deoxidized steels. Zirconium is pyrophoric and has been used in pyrotechnics and in military incendiary. Zirconium sulphate is used as tanning material in leather production.

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